We are not here to sell you any crapy NFTs or to promise any obscure staking feature by 2042

We are not here to sell you any crapy NFTs or to promise any obscure staking feature by 2042

We meme the world

PulseDogElon ($PELON) is a community meme token designed to promote the launch of Pulsechain and to build the 1st $HEX & $PLS memes museum.

Our project started in October 2021, we are the 2nd oldest Dog coins on PulseChain!

PulseDogElon is available for trading on PulseX.

$PELON has a maximum supply on PulseChain capped at 21 million tokens in honor of Satoshi Nakamato. 

PulseDogElon is designed to make a 10’000x on PulseChain and will enrich Hexicans believing in the freedom of memeing.


We will never be listed on CoinMarketCap or Coingecko because they never showed any respect to Hexicans.


50% of the token supply on PulseChain was donated to the PulseChain sacrifice address as a commitment to people that believe speech is a protected human right and blockchains are speech. 


We’re here to bring adoption to PulseChain and convince Elon to invest in $HEX and PulseChain.

Profits will be used to:

  • Print and ship batches of HEX & PulseChain stickers to Hexicans (if you want to receive stickers please contact us)
  • Sponsor Cam Girls with $HEX merch
  • Bring a team of Hexican to Tone Vays Financial Summit with $HEX hoodies (if you are volunteer to join, please contact us)
  • Purchase $HEX ads in front of Peter McCormack YouTube videos
  • Sue and force major coin ranking websites to list correctly $HEX
  • Convince Elon to invest in $HEX and $PLS by registering an Hexican in next SpaceX space tourism mission (if you are volunteer to join, please contact us)



  • Buy / Sell Tax: 0%
  • Inflation rate: 0%
  • Code: 4 lines of code – that’s it!
  • 50% of the token supply was donated to the PulseChain sacrifice address as a commitment to people that believe speech is a protected human right and blockchains are speech
  • 35% of the token supply will be locked in the PulseX liquidity pool